Work Stress Quiz 1 / 10 1. When I think about going to work: 1. I am excited 2. It is just another thing I have to do 3. I get bad feeling in the pit of my stomach 4. I have a minor panic attack 2 / 10 2. When my boss sends me an email: 1. I look forward to finding out what is going on 2. I am a little worried 3. I know I am not going to like what it says 4. I avoid it for as long as I can 3 / 10 3. When I go to work 1. I have just the right amount of work to do 2. I have a heavy workload that I am managing 3. I am bored and worried I am not doing enough 4. I will never get it all done 4 / 10 4. My priorities at work 1. Are very clear - I understand my goals and what I need to do next 2. Are fuzzy - I have an idea what is most important 3. Are unclear - I do my best to guess what should be done first 4. Change so often I don't know what is the most important thing to get done 5 / 10 5. The night before a workday: 1. I sleep like a baby 2. I sleep a little lighter than non-workdays 3. I get some sleep but not much 4. I toss and turn worrying about tomorrow 6 / 10 6. At work: 1. I look forward to seeing my friends 2. The people are nice but I don't hang out with them 3. I don't have time to talk to other people 4. I don't like most of the people I work with 7 / 10 7. When I talk to someone about work 1. It is usually positive 2. I have a few complaints, but it is mostly positive 3. It is mostly negative with a few positives 4. I have some crazy stories to share 8 / 10 8. My future at work is: 1. I believe I will eventually get promoted 2. They will keep me around for a while 3. I am not sure how this will turn out 4. I will eventually be fired 9 / 10 9. Name: Check 10 / 10 10. E-Mail: Check Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter